The Inspiring Quote

"Apabila engkau merasa letih karena berbuat kebaikan, maka sesungguhnya keletihan itu akan hilang dan kebaikan akan terus kekal.
Sekiranya engkau bersenang-senang dengan dosa, maka sesungguhnya kesenangan itu akan hilang dan dosa yang dilakukan akan terus kekal."
(Umar bin Al-Khathab)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daffa's Story n My friend's story

19 April 2011

I am sad today. One of my best friend must be hospitalized today, because he'd lost her baby in her uterus. I am really sorry to hear that. But of course, we have no ability to refuse HIS destiny, don't we? I hope she is better now. :"(

Because I have no inspiration for writing today, I chose a composition that was made by one of my students. His name is Daffa Rayhan, the fifth grade student in one of Elementary Schools in Cilegon.

"Mom, please cook a noodle for me," said Jane.
"Okay, 5 minutes more."
"Hello, Jane, Mom, how are you?"
"Papa, welcome!"
"Mom, Jane, we are going to grandma's house in L.A," said papa.
"Oh, yeah?!" Jane's screaming.
"When?" asked Mom.
"Maybe this Saturday."
"Wah, really? I'm so glad to hear it," said Jane gladly.
Saturday came, Jane woke up from her bad. Like usual, she took a bath and entered Mom's room, and..."Mom, wake up. It's Saturday. Do you remember what we will do, heeem?"
"Okay, okay...I try to remember. Oh yaaa!!! We're going to go to Grandma's house."
After that, Jane prepared her clothes, toys, book, etc.
"Let's go!!! Papa's yelling in the car.
After they arrived to Grandma's house, " are you?" asked Jane.
"Oh my granddaughter, you surprised me. I am fine!" answer Grandma.
In the night, Jane played her laptop. Suddenly....
"Hiyyy!! What's that? may...may...maybe that's a Giant's step. Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!! She covered her body with her blanket on the bed. Because of she was so tense, she fainted. Soooo....scarrryyyy...
*Can you guess what the real form of the Giant Step is???

Hmm...I think that's all. I just want to share one of my student's creativity today...

I choose one of my friend's photos in this post. It doesn't have relation with this composition. I just want to put her photo for my sympathy about her lost baby. It will remind me that this day there is a sorrow felt by my best friend.

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